I don't know about anyone else but I'm a creature of habit. I need my newspaper with my morning cup of tea. On occasion, I may not read it rightaway because, for instance, I may have to water my plants or because I may get a call. But, I don't like the freedom of choice being taken away.
Anyway, usually, the newspaper is delivered some time between 7-7.15. On weekends, it comes in only after 7.30. Why, I have no clue. For the last few days, however, the chap's been late on week days as well. So, today, I asked him...
Me: Why're you so late every day?
Him, a bit perplexed: Huh?
Me, having to rephrase: Why do you deliver the newspaper so late?
Him: Oh, when I deliver on time every day, you don't say anything. Now, just because I'm late you're complaining?
That's a very logical argument :-)
Yeah! :-)
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