Thoughts and other trivia...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In your face!

If there be an equivalent of the Eureka! moment to describe the precise moment disappointment descended, I'd say I had two of those recently...and, in pretty quick succession too! For the uninitiated lesser mortals, these are moments when the light bulb pops in your head - in this case it popped off and not on - and you stop and go 'Hmm'.

The first of these came on my birthday and the second, two days later, at a family do in a church! It's so strange that, at times, we're completely unable, or unwilling, to recognise what has been staring us in the face for almost an eternity. It doesn't speak very highly of one either way, does it? Unwilling or unable...I don't know which is worse :-)

The answer to happiness, then - okay, relative happiness - may lie in the answer to the question 'Why?' Why is one unable, or unwilling, or recognise the truth?
