Happiness is a warm gun?
A few days ago, a friend was feeling rather down and, being the absolutely wonderful person that I am, I was trying to cheer her up, urging her to look at the brighter side of life or some such crap.
Digression. Crap because, as we know, there is no brighter side to life. End digression.
But, unfortunately, my problem is that I just don't know when to stop...most people would quit when they're ahead and still winning but, ha, I'm not most people! It's in my nature, I think, to complicate things for myself and axe my own bleeding foot. Before I could realise what was happening, the tables had turned and, instead of leading the conversation, I was now answering questions. I knew I had worked myself into a corner when she asked, 'Are you really happy?' My eyes narrowed in suspicion because it seemed like a trick question...and it is, isn't it? Because, after all, no one has ever asked me if I'm really hungry or really tired or if I'm really sleepy! Anyway, needless to say, by the end of it all, I had managed to tie myself up in knots. Then, just the other day, I noticed that another friend has added the Are You Happy? application to her Facebook profile, sending me an invitation to add it as well. And, oh, this application claims to be 'scarily accurate'. Pfft! I mean, what's with all this happiness thing? Is it going out of fashion?
To slightly tweak the lyrics of a song I like, then, I could be happy...and you won't know. Ha! Who's having the last laugh now, eh?